Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Busia County is cosmopolitan society.

To start with, Busia County is cosmopolitan society. Two larger communities viz; of the Luhya and Iteso, and other minor communities. It ought to be noted that the utilitarian and egalitarian nature of governance is premised on the protection of the weaker members in society. In contemporary society weakness is seen interms of culture, tribe or tribal affiliation, religion etc. To this extent, we ought to consider the diversity interms of community and elect leaders who will work towards not to remove the diversity build them in social cohesion.
Secondly, another important consideration is that government has an economic function. Government should strive at providing the resources necessary for the attainment of the objective of survival and self preservation which is inherent in every man.

In the light of the foregoing and the spirit of the 2010 constitution, i come to the logical conclusion that Hon. Ababu Namwamba and Hon. Sospeter Ojaamong are the best bet for senator and governor respectively. The two have exhibited qualities of representative inherent in the representative and republican nature of governance. Their national and or constituency level record speaks for themselves. Again they are youths.

I pray that we the people of Busia are the bastion of success and the conscience of our beloved county.

Regards, silas.